Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Youssif is 5 years old, and lives in Baghdad with his parents. On January 15, 2007 he was doused with gasoline by masked men, and set on fire while he played with friends outside of his home. He was left to burn to death. He tried to put the fire out that was consuming his young body, and miraculously, he did not die. However, doctors have told his parents there is nothing more they can do for the young boy who once had a beautiful smile, and loved to play with his friends. Now, the friends will not play with him, eating is difficult at best, and the once exuberant boy is sullen, and even jealous, of his baby sister. His mother is racked with guilt, and blames herself for letting Youssif go out to play on that fateful night.
How does anyone pour gasoline onto a baby and set them on fire? What has happened when even the most twisted minds can justify terrorizing and BURNING children? How do they reason that their act was acceptable to even the most vengeful version of Allah? Does the Quran justify hurting children? Burning them? Youssif should be thinking about playing, learning and being with his family, feeling the way a child should feel as much as one can in a country torn by war. Instead, Youssif wonders why his friends will no longer play with him, and why men would do that to him. He wonders how all these things could happen as he tries to shove small grains of rice into a little mouth that will no longer open to eat, or laugh or even smile.

I have started this blog in an effort to contact anyone or groups who might be willing to get involved with this project, which could possibly lead to having Youssif's badly burned face operated on by a surgeon here in the states, where he could get the best care. I read the article on CNN this morning, and cannot express how this has touched my heart. I cannot logically explain why, or how, only that in a world which seems more and more crippled by devastation everyday, maybe a few of us could come together and help this one child who is in need. His facial disfiguration from the burns will change as he grows, possibly causing more complications and difficulties arising from the damage. If WE can act now, MAYBE we can help him heal more normally as he grows into a young man.

If anyone can help me in this endeavor, or knows anyone or a group or groups, who would be interested in helping Youssif, please respond to my email, listed below. I cannot do this without help from other organizations/individuals who have the means to make this happen.

"Be the change you want to see in the world"

Daphne Medina
Colorado Springs, Colorado


celina said...

As the mother of 5 year boy, I cannot even begin to fathom this horrendous act.. PLease let me Know if I can assist you in any way..My husband is serving in Iraq, right now, my heart goes out to Youssif. My family and I will pray for him.-Celina

Marie said...

I would be willing to help too...

Unknown said...

As an older brother of two young boys and as a new father, this act tears out my heart and leaves me feeling numb. I have been read this story on CNN multiple times and have read the posts. Youssif has lived like this for too long and people have to help. Once there is an extablished organization that will help Youssif, I can make a contibution. There are another 50 readers that are willing to help as well. We need to do our part in helping at least one life.

Dafodil said...

I am trying to get a website/account established to begin taking donations. I will keep you posted! Thanks for your help!

ariane said...

I want to help. I have the application from Shriners Burn Center for Children in Boston, MA. They sent it to me in email. If anyone knows Arwa Damon's email I can forward it to her. Hopefully she can then get it to the family. I can contribute to the boy's airfare or other expenses. I am the mother of 5 and am absolutely sick to my stomache over this. Please let me know how to get in touch with Arwa Damon.

Dafodil said...

Childrens Burn Center based in Sherman Oaks, CA is going to take care of it. I want to move forward to help others like him, though. If you would like to be involved, let me know...I can use all the help I can get! Peace-