Friday, August 24, 2007

The Next Step

After much thought on the subject, I would like to ask for your help once again. I have recieved so much support and encouragment about this blog, I would like to try to establish the Youssifproject as a permanent avenue in which to raise awareness and funds to help others like Youssif.

It seems the situation with Youssif has made us all realize the barbarity of a war which, has not only far exceeded its original intent, but has been the catalyst for the disfigurment and maiming of far too many children. Youssif is lucky. Despite his horrible injuries, he has the benefit of two loving parents who risked everything to get help for their son. Any parent would. However, most of us forget about the many children in Iraq and Afganistan no longer have the luxury of two parents. Some of them do not even have one parent, and are now either on the street or in orphanages.

Without parents, without doctors, without proper medical care, education, or even the simple comfort of a safe home, how can we expect these children to grow up and become anything more than the angry, vengeful extremists who already wreck havoc on their fellow citizens. You see, it is cyclical. Youssif will most likely grow up and realize that there IS GOOD out there. There is GOOD to be done. He is, and will be the EXCEPTION. What do you think will happen to the rest of them?

My goal is to help these children. I want them to realize that they can heal both physically and mentally. I want them to know that people DO CARE and that they are not just going to slip through the cracks of a war that is questionable in its true intent, and a war in which civility has gone awry. If you would like to help me or get involved further, please contact me at the email listed below. I am still working on setting up an active website. I will continue to follow Youssif's progress, and I will keep hoping that people will join this effort. Thank you so much for reading this blog.

"Be the change you want to see in the world"
--Mahatma Gandhi

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