Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Youssif is in the U.S.

I just got an email from the Children's Burn Foundation that little Youssif and his family have arrived in California safely. They are getting settled in their new home, and had his first visit with Dr.Grossman today. I am really happy to be able to report the good news. Afterwards, he was treated to (where else?) McDonald's.....
I will keep you posted as I receive information. I am still working on the website, and it is proving to be no easy task, but we will keep working at it. If anyone has any information they think may be helpful in locating contacts for Iraqi orphanages, please, please, please let me know. I have made some contact in Oman, but am still waiting on his contacts via email. This is a glimmer of continual hope though!!


Friday, August 24, 2007

The Next Step

After much thought on the subject, I would like to ask for your help once again. I have recieved so much support and encouragment about this blog, I would like to try to establish the Youssifproject as a permanent avenue in which to raise awareness and funds to help others like Youssif.

It seems the situation with Youssif has made us all realize the barbarity of a war which, has not only far exceeded its original intent, but has been the catalyst for the disfigurment and maiming of far too many children. Youssif is lucky. Despite his horrible injuries, he has the benefit of two loving parents who risked everything to get help for their son. Any parent would. However, most of us forget about the many children in Iraq and Afganistan no longer have the luxury of two parents. Some of them do not even have one parent, and are now either on the street or in orphanages.

Without parents, without doctors, without proper medical care, education, or even the simple comfort of a safe home, how can we expect these children to grow up and become anything more than the angry, vengeful extremists who already wreck havoc on their fellow citizens. You see, it is cyclical. Youssif will most likely grow up and realize that there IS GOOD out there. There is GOOD to be done. He is, and will be the EXCEPTION. What do you think will happen to the rest of them?

My goal is to help these children. I want them to realize that they can heal both physically and mentally. I want them to know that people DO CARE and that they are not just going to slip through the cracks of a war that is questionable in its true intent, and a war in which civility has gone awry. If you would like to help me or get involved further, please contact me at the email listed below. I am still working on setting up an active website. I will continue to follow Youssif's progress, and I will keep hoping that people will join this effort. Thank you so much for reading this blog.

"Be the change you want to see in the world"
--Mahatma Gandhi

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Its taken care of!

CNN called me a few minutes ago...The Childrens Burn Foundation is going to cover all of Youssifs expenses for the next year, and CNN is going to post an update as well as a link for people to make donations to when they update the story. Thanks to all of you who were supportive in this endeavor! I look forward to seeing and hearing about his progress!



I am in the process of setting up an account in Youssif's name and/or a website to more effectely accept donations. As soon as I get a link going I will pass it on. There has been a huge reponse to this blog, as people have been getting the word out there about what we are trying to do.
I am amazed. When I posted the blog yesterday, I only knew what was in my heart, and had NO IDEA how people would respond, if they would at all. Again, I just want to say THANK YOU! I think we are going to really make progress here! I am trying to get in touch with Arwa Damon and CNN to pass on info to the family, so please call /email CNN if you can! Keep spreading the word about this blog as well. Again, THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING, and I will post with updates and info as soon as possible.


Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Youssif is 5 years old, and lives in Baghdad with his parents. On January 15, 2007 he was doused with gasoline by masked men, and set on fire while he played with friends outside of his home. He was left to burn to death. He tried to put the fire out that was consuming his young body, and miraculously, he did not die. However, doctors have told his parents there is nothing more they can do for the young boy who once had a beautiful smile, and loved to play with his friends. Now, the friends will not play with him, eating is difficult at best, and the once exuberant boy is sullen, and even jealous, of his baby sister. His mother is racked with guilt, and blames herself for letting Youssif go out to play on that fateful night.
How does anyone pour gasoline onto a baby and set them on fire? What has happened when even the most twisted minds can justify terrorizing and BURNING children? How do they reason that their act was acceptable to even the most vengeful version of Allah? Does the Quran justify hurting children? Burning them? Youssif should be thinking about playing, learning and being with his family, feeling the way a child should feel as much as one can in a country torn by war. Instead, Youssif wonders why his friends will no longer play with him, and why men would do that to him. He wonders how all these things could happen as he tries to shove small grains of rice into a little mouth that will no longer open to eat, or laugh or even smile.

I have started this blog in an effort to contact anyone or groups who might be willing to get involved with this project, which could possibly lead to having Youssif's badly burned face operated on by a surgeon here in the states, where he could get the best care. I read the article on CNN this morning, and cannot express how this has touched my heart. I cannot logically explain why, or how, only that in a world which seems more and more crippled by devastation everyday, maybe a few of us could come together and help this one child who is in need. His facial disfiguration from the burns will change as he grows, possibly causing more complications and difficulties arising from the damage. If WE can act now, MAYBE we can help him heal more normally as he grows into a young man.

If anyone can help me in this endeavor, or knows anyone or a group or groups, who would be interested in helping Youssif, please respond to my email, listed below. I cannot do this without help from other organizations/individuals who have the means to make this happen.

"Be the change you want to see in the world"

Daphne Medina
Colorado Springs, Colorado